Thursday, July 2, 2009

How Do You Respond to Adversity?

Found this in the latest Bob Harrison Newsletter. This is an incredible true story.


A Los Angeles teenager was one of the most unlikely people to be selected to attend Harvard University, let alone be awarded a “Full-Ride Scholarship.”

Donald Trump once made the following statement:

“The # 1 key to being a successful business person is how you respond to adversity.”

If that statement is correct, then Khadijah Williams has great success ahead of her. A front page article in the Los Angeles Times describes her journey to Harvard University.

As long as she can remember, Khadijah has floated from shelters to motels to armories. In 12 years time she has attended 12 schools while living out of garbage bags among pimps and drug dealers.

When shelters closed or money ran out, she and her mother would pack what little they had and board buses to find housing elsewhere. Khadijah had to learn how to hunt for her next meal, find the nearest bus routes and determine what was a secure place to sleep.

When she was in her junior year of high school, she had to commute by buses from an Orange County armory to school in Los Angeles. She awoke at 4:00 a.m. and returned at 11:00 p.m. Yet in spite of all the challenges, she was able to keep her grade-point average just below a 4.0 (straight A's).

Her secret? At every stop, she pushed herself in each school's gifted student program. She was diligent in her studies, plus she read four to five books a month. In addition, she reached out for assistance to organizations and mentors.

Her reward? A full scholarship to Harvard University.

There is no promise that life is going to be absent of adversity and challenges. However, our response to these negative seasons will determine whether we will fade off into the memories of a distant past or continue to live a life of meaning and impact.

How well do you respond to adversity?

“The trouble of the passing hour may result in a solid glory.” 2 Corinthians 4:17

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